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"This young man explains why he is valedictorian and how they education system rewards the wrong things. Brave young man!"
"I've got Berger's book at the top of my to-read pile... thanks for the incentive!"
"Love this. Game and Hack are two words I use a lot... :) Keep us updated. Might be fun to do a quick video interview on Hacking Math?"
"Really like this. The first tip ("If there's not a way you'll be tested on it, drop it unless you have extra time. With what's remaining, do it in order of when it's due.") is about winning at the game of school. The second tip is about really…"
"Hi, Hannah! That was an unexpected response, but I get it! So, maybe the rule is "figure out what your teacher needs." Counter-intuitive for most students to take care of the adult, but if you said to them: "Do you know how you have to figure out…"
"The actual interview starts about 6 minutes in! Skip ahead! Sorry for all the intro material... :)"
"Hi, Chris. Thanks for this. I got a reply on my blog to my original post that my concept of helping kids "win the game" this was was "chilling." I'm trying to decide how to respond because I think this person missed my point. How do personally…"
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